Message from the Principal
Kia ora. My name is Caine Webster and I am proud to be the Principal at Pāuatahanui School. Pāuatahanui School is a growing rural full primary school on the urban fringe. We are a school where ‘town meets country’. The school has been serving the local community since 1855. We enjoy a rich and proud history and we are focused on providing our students with an exciting future. The staff work hard to ensure the community’s voice and local content are evident in the school’s curriculum. We believe that students learn best when learning is engaging and in context to their own lives. We offer a challenging and exciting range of experiences aimed at assisting each individual’s academic, physical, social, emotional and cultural development. In order to achieve quality learning, our staff are actively involved in ongoing professional development and uses evaluation, planning and innovative teaching methods that focus on the process of learning. We value and encourage whānau and caregiver involvement in class and school activities. As a learning community we strive to maintain an atmosphere where parents and teachers interact positively and constructively as partners in education. I welcome you to find out more about Pauatahanui School by contacting me and arranging a time to visit and look around. Caine Webster Principal